Monday, July 23, 2012


After such a tragedy like the one in Aurora,Colorado it is so nice to see that there are still good people in this world. I have not been able to get the thought out of my head of how terrified those people must have felt. The feeling of being trapped, experiencing the highest amount of fear you could ever imagine, and the feeling of helpless ness. I am quite the scardy cat, and think I might have died from fear itself before the harm could have even reached me. But realizing that there are indeed still good people in the world gives me peace. And I hope the people in that theater some day get their peace. 

Today I was sitting in the Human Sciences building playing on my iPad studying, and one Asian boy came and sat at the table next to me. I didn't think anything of it and went on with my business. A little bit later a guy came up to inform us that classes were cancelled for the rest of the day, and we can go home if that's what we were waiting on. At first I was annoyed thinking "duh we all get the same calls/texts/emails that you get, bro." But I'm rude, obviously. The news informer than began talking to the boy next me, and I heard that this asian boy could barely speak english. The news informer continued to ask him question, ignoring the broken English, and in the end they even ended up exchanging phone numbers, how sweet! As he walked off I realized that he probably made this boys day, and maybe this boy didn't have the luxury of devices that delivered the news as quickly as I did. 

This small act of kindness gave me a feeling comfort. How nice it was of that guy to take time out of his day to inform random strangers of news he had just found out; and how nice of him to go out of his way to make this Asian boy feel wanted in a strange country. Shame on me for judging both of them so quickly. 

Take time out of your day to do something nice for someone else. 

P.S I am proud to go to school with people like this news informer, Wreck 'em! 

Random thoughts,


1 comment:

  1. I love this post! Such a great reminder. You are so sweet to have looked at it that way. I would have missed that lesson.
